Monday, June 25, 2007

Say it after me- There, there.

I am afraid there is much too much to write. I COULD space it all out, but then I’d forget some stuff and add some more stuff, and forget some others which were more important than the rest. And because there is so much stacked up, I’ll never be able to focus on one thing. So, at the risk of sounding even more vague and disjointed than usual, I’ll let it all out.
College started. Three weeks back. I am still in a state of suspension. Like all this will end in a day or two, and I’ll find things back to normal. Regardless of how much I may have hated normal earlier, now normal seems the way to go.
Normal. I hate normal. Now normal here is not the same as normal three sentences back. That was things-as-they-used-to-be normal. This normal is the adjective used to define people who think straight, boring whatever. You know, the ones whose jokes have punchlines. Who always get to the point. Who don’t make abject politically incorrect statements in the most good-natured way possible. And people who don’t crack jokes about, well, cows and dead grandmothers and stuff. You know, them.
Unfortunately, college is full of them. People who actually make sense and all. Its so depressing when you spend an hour making sense. What we had in school was, as Joey put it, graphiti. Beautiful shit. We’d send out these random sparks to each other, and catch them as they went buzzing through the air. It was like Jackson Pollock- random gorgeous absurd oddities of meaning. And suddenly, I have to make sense. Bull.
That’s it for today. I will be ranting for some time to come, so feel free to skip the next couple of entries. I will let you know when I’m done.
And screw punctuation, please.


sree mitra said...

I am in complete agreement with you.....maybe because we have so much in common and it was like reading my own thoughts.So do rant and rave, even if its just about the usual(not so usual in our case) pangs of adolescence... I am sure I will find them amusing. By the way,I am yet to hear a cow or dead grandma joke- who cracks those in our college?

Revolver said...

*curtseys* Thankee!

Well, I dont, like, have a very good repertoire of cow jokes, but cows, per se, are hilarious. I mean, look at a Jersey cow. It goes moo, for Pete's sakes, and has red patches and all!

In fact, I find all farm animals funny. And meerkats. Seals. Polar bears. Chipmunks, beavers. Frogs. And ostriches. Ooh ooh, Kangaroos!

new age scheherazade said...

loved the sparks part. that IS totally how school is. how perceptive of you.
but so are our own cows funny. shitty tails and all. they go humbaa though. subtle linguistic difference.

Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

whoever said cows moo? i've tried and tried to figure it out, but the closest i can get is a "maw".

cows maw.

Revolver said...


I beg to differ. It's actually kind of like "moooaawww". It starts on a lower scale, then expands into a more full throated bellow.
Incidentally, that's not what this post is about.